Creepy: Alarmists (secretly?) video, report on ‘claims’ of skeptic teacher

An example of an supposedly inaccurate classroom statement made by Carleton University’s Tom Harris is, “Carbon dioxide is plant food.” Continue reading Creepy: Alarmists (secretly?) video, report on ‘claims’ of skeptic teacher

Video: A musical about climate change: The Civilians at TED2012

“This is the first of a series of original music videos created for THE GREAT IMMENSITY, a new play with songs and media project about our environmental challenges. This video features the song ‘Margin of Error’ by Michael Friedman. The statistics in the song were all reported by the New York Times.” Continue reading Video: A musical about climate change: The Civilians at TED2012

Why I must speak out on climate change: James Hansen at TED2012

Hansen’s grandson Jake is super-enthusiastic, “He thinks he can protect his 2 and a half day old little sister. It would be immoral to leave these people with a climate system spiraling out of control.” Continue reading Why I must speak out on climate change: James Hansen at TED2012

Earth to Judge David Tatel: Do you really think Congress wanted EPA to write 6 million permits for greenhouse gas emissions?

“[Clinton appointee David Tatel] questioned whether Congress really intended to limit that statute to certain pollutants in a way that would exclude greenhouse gases.” Continue reading Earth to Judge David Tatel: Do you really think Congress wanted EPA to write 6 million permits for greenhouse gas emissions?

Chevron gives up Colo. shale lease as Obama moves to shrink shale activity

What happened to the “all of the above” energy strategy Obama espoused in his State of the Union? Continue reading Chevron gives up Colo. shale lease as Obama moves to shrink shale activity

NEI: Making Nuclear Energy Safer

“With the anniversary of the incident at Fukushima Daiichi almost upon us, it’s only natural for the public and other stakeholders to be asking questions about the safety of America’s nuclear energy facilities. To answer those questions, NEI has published a white paper entitled, ‘Making Nuclear Energy Safer’.” Continue reading NEI: Making Nuclear Energy Safer

EPA’s Jackson: ‘Bulk’ of environmental protection done by states

From today’s House Appropriations hearing. So why do we need an $8+ billion federal EPA? Continue reading EPA’s Jackson: ‘Bulk’ of environmental protection done by states