Video: Ohio Rep. probes Obama Interior Dept. scheme to lie about coal industry job losses

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio) questioned the Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, to find out what he knew about his department telling contractors to lie about job loss estimates from his proposed rewrite of the Stream Buffer Zone Rule. This proposed rewrite could cost almost 30,000 direct and indirect coal jobs. Continue reading Video: Ohio Rep. probes Obama Interior Dept. scheme to lie about coal industry job losses

Heartland Institute Responds to Stolen and Fake Documents

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 – The following statement from The Heartland Institute – a free-market think tank – may be used for attribution. For more information, contact Communications Director Jim Lakely at and 312/377-4000.

Yesterday afternoon, two advocacy groups posted online several documents they claimed were The Heartland Institute’s 2012 budget, fundraising, and strategy plans. Some of these documents were stolen from Heartland, at least one is a fake, and some may have been altered. Continue reading Heartland Institute Responds to Stolen and Fake Documents

Belgium not prepared for ‘no nukes’

“I will say that I am getting out of [nuclear] only when I am sure I have an alternative ready,” [the Belgian energy chief] said. Nuclear power accounts for roughly 55% of Belgium’s electricity production. Continue reading Belgium not prepared for ‘no nukes’

SMH: Scientist denies he is mouthpiece of US climate-sceptic think tank

“Institutions or organisations simply pay for services rendered — in the same way that an architect is paid for their work, so are scientists.” Continue reading SMH: Scientist denies he is mouthpiece of US climate-sceptic think tank