Santorum takes on EPA over mercury limits rule

But is criticized by CNN for not going into the details — as if Obama could.

CNN reports,

Speaking to voters in Iowa Monday, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania ripped the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule placing first-ever limits on the amount of mercury that coal-fired power plants can emit into the air.

The GOP presidential contender claimed the new regulations would shut down 60 coal fired power plants in America, and he charged the EPA with basing its study on a philosophy of: “We hate carbon, we hate fossil fuels, we hate blue-collar Americans who work in those areas.”

He specifically took issue with the agency’s cost-benefit analysis, calling it “absolutely ridiculous” and “not based on any kind of science.”

But the EPA’s cost-benefit analysis cites peer-reviewed studies extensively in its 510-page “Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards,” which has been two decades in the making.

Santorum did not address the health dangers of mercury and other hazardous pollutants that could be limited by the new regulations. His campaign did not response to questions by CNN…

But if CNN needs facts, we’ve got plenty of them. Just search this site for “mercury.”

One thought on “Santorum takes on EPA over mercury limits rule”

  1. “His campaign did not response to questions by CNN…”

    That pretty much proves as much as you need to know about the MSM morons.

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