Why not move to make electricity less expensive? Continue reading Obama moves to make TVs more expensive
Month: January 2012
Green lobby says it will power up push for full fracking ban
Not that there is likely to be too much fracking in New Jersey anyway. Continue reading Green lobby says it will power up push for full fracking ban
Maley: Let’s ‘occupy’ America’s energy revolution
“Forget Occupy Wall Street: This is a real revolution.” Continue reading Maley: Let’s ‘occupy’ America’s energy revolution
Ben Stein Sues Claiming Global Warming Beliefs Cost Him $300,000 Acting Job
“He also told [his agent] to inform defendants that as a matter of religious belief, he believed that God, and not man, controlled the weather.” Continue reading Ben Stein Sues Claiming Global Warming Beliefs Cost Him $300,000 Acting Job
Koeppel: Fracking a ‘calamity’ for New York City
What does an 1832 cholera breakout have to do with fracking? Continue reading Koeppel: Fracking a ‘calamity’ for New York City
Whistleblower Scientist Accuses British Medical Journal of Institutional Research Misconduct
An accusation coming days after Andrew Wakefield sued the British Medical Journal. Continue reading Whistleblower Scientist Accuses British Medical Journal of Institutional Research Misconduct
Vaccine Controversy Hits the Courts: Wakefield Sues BMJ for Defamation
The man who in 1998 launched the vaccine-autism scare wants his day in court. Continue reading Vaccine Controversy Hits the Courts: Wakefield Sues BMJ for Defamation
Legal Action of the Day: Va. justices to hear AG’s request for climate records
Climategate hits the Virginia Supreme Court today. Continue reading Legal Action of the Day: Va. justices to hear AG’s request for climate records
Jentges: Credible scientists dissent on global warming
“You will not hear much about [Fred] Singer — or other dissenting scientists — in the mainstream media. They do not fit their template.” Continue reading Jentges: Credible scientists dissent on global warming
Cadmium: ‘Next big threat along the periodic table’
The enviro campaign against the periodic table moves on to “toxic” jewelry. Continue reading Cadmium: ‘Next big threat along the periodic table’
Whining About Mining
A New York Times op-ed aimed at shutting down Western hard rock mining. Continue reading Whining About Mining
WSJ: Glut hits natural gas prices
There’s so much gas, drillers are flaring it off because they have no way to transport it. Continue reading WSJ: Glut hits natural gas prices