Confiscated profits would be used for tax credits for politically correct cars. Continue reading Dems propose ‘Reasonable Profits Board’ to confiscate oil company profits
Month: January 2012
EPA overreaches on manure regulations, farm groups say
“The rule is the latest in a series of EPA regulations that have sparked opposition from farm or business groups and promise to give more election-year ammunition to Republican lawmakers who take issue with the agency’s assertive approach.” Continue reading EPA overreaches on manure regulations, farm groups say
O’Keefe: Fear-mongering used against fracking
“No industrial activity is without risk, but the economic benefits to our economy and our workers from the energy produced from fracking far outweigh those risks.” Continue reading O’Keefe: Fear-mongering used against fracking
Boston Herald endorses Romney despite climate record
Gross: Obama campaigns on Keystone XL rejection
Obama kills jobs and then fundraises of the corpses. Continue reading Gross: Obama campaigns on Keystone XL rejection
Murdock: Romney runs hot and cold on global warming
“Willard Mitt Romney these days could not be more explicit about abandoning President Barack Obama’s carbon-dioxide restrictions.” Continue reading Murdock: Romney runs hot and cold on global warming
PCE in drinking water caused mental illness in Cape Cod-ers?
We went crazy just reading this study… Continue reading PCE in drinking water caused mental illness in Cape Cod-ers?
Let us inject facts into ‘Seismicity’
“What’s unfortunate is that some folks are attempting to use [recent seismic events in Ohio] as a justification for stopping oil and natural gas development in Ohio — kind of like trying to argue that the auto industry should be shut down just because a scrap tire dump caught fire somewhere.” Continue reading Let us inject facts into ‘Seismicity’
Burnett: Plastic Bag Bans Hurt Shoppers, Retailers and Workers
By H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.
January 19, 2012, Exclusive for
A small but increasing number of cities are in a frenzy to ban plastic shopping bags. More than two dozen cities nationwide have either banned plastic grocery bags (and in some cases, paper bags) entirely, or have imposed a fee for using them in order to encourage the use of reusable bags. However, such policies have hidden costs few seem to recognize. Continue reading Burnett: Plastic Bag Bans Hurt Shoppers, Retailers and Workers
2010-2011 Cooling Caused Arctic Ozone Depletion
Warming bad. Cooling bad. Everything bad — except alarmist junk science. Continue reading 2010-2011 Cooling Caused Arctic Ozone Depletion
Nannying: Ban on fast-food ads reduced consumption of junk food, says study
An outright ban is recommended as the “most effective policy tool.” Continue reading Nannying: Ban on fast-food ads reduced consumption of junk food, says study
Hansen admits: ‘Global temperature in 2011 was lower than in 1998’
Good thing we had all that manmade CO2 to keep us warm. Continue reading Hansen admits: ‘Global temperature in 2011 was lower than in 1998’