We accused MIT’s Kerry Emanuel of failing to disclose a financial conflict of interest in a recent Nature study. Continue reading Emanuel responds to JunkScience charge
Month: January 2012
Vitter/Inhofe: Nothing sound about EPA science
“It’s unfortunate that the EPA under President Obama has degenerated into an agency that won’t review, assess, share or critically analyze its scientific work.” Continue reading Vitter/Inhofe: Nothing sound about EPA science
Canadians to re-trot out the polar bear as symbol of alarmism?
Polar bear as fake victim — take two. Continue reading Canadians to re-trot out the polar bear as symbol of alarmism?
Total appeals French shale gas ban
Revenue from fracking could help keep the European socialist-welfare state alive, n’cest pas? Continue reading Total appeals French shale gas ban
Santorum: ‘Yes’ to drilling off Florida coast, Keystone
Rick Santorum was strong on energy and environment issues in Monday’s GOP Presidential debate in Tampa. Continue reading Santorum: ‘Yes’ to drilling off Florida coast, Keystone
Chesapeake moves — rationally — to stem gas glut
We knew Chesapeake CEO Aubrey McClendon could do it if he tried. Continue reading Chesapeake moves — rationally — to stem gas glut
Fungus Fears Push Orange Juice Up
Pesticide residue hysteria takes hold of the markets. Continue reading Fungus Fears Push Orange Juice Up
New Public Health Crisis: ‘Ubiquity of food’
Yikes! “Food is everywhere…” Continue reading New Public Health Crisis: ‘Ubiquity of food’
Report: Food groups angry at obesity campaign
“It’s absurd to say that drinking a soda will cause these really extreme health conditions.” Continue reading Report: Food groups angry at obesity campaign
Report: Russia found failing on pollution curbs
Is the environment hurting public health in Russia? Continue reading Report: Russia found failing on pollution curbs
IBD: Kookoo Kucinich
“In the annals of stupid legislation, add a proposal from House liberals that would set up a “Reasonable Profits Board” to decide when oil companies have made too much money. We pay lawmakers for this?” Continue reading IBD: Kookoo Kucinich
More embryonic stem cell hype?
What should we make of the news that embryonic stem cell therapy may have helped improve vision in two patients? Continue reading More embryonic stem cell hype?