Nature: Skeptic candidates OK as long as grant money keeps flowing

Nature proves that every cloud — BTW, none of which are included in climate models — has a (real) silver lining.

While bemoaning GOP presidential candidate skepticism in “Candidates play to the right on science,” Nature finds the ultimate solace for the rentseeking lobby of university researchers:

Yet whoever becomes the Republican candidate — and whoever ultimately becomes president — these disputes may not mean much for the support of science as a whole. Since the cold war, both Republican and Democratic administrations have a steady record of support for basic science. And with the US electorate focused on the economy and unemployment, it seems likely that if science is discussed at all in this year’s campaign it will be in the context of jobs and competitiveness — issues on which all candidates, no matter what their ideology, see a need for action. [Emphasis added]

As the Beatles classically put it…

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