Landrigan: Scientific evidence unnecessary to condemn chemicals

We’ll just let Phil decide?

Mt. Sinai anti-chemical activist-researcher Phil Landrigan writes in Environmental Health Perspectives:

…The time to presume that chemicals are safe until they are proven beyond all doubt to cause injury to America’s children is past…

This notion is, of course, entirely false as regulators routinely restrict or ban chemicals on the slightest evidence of a mere possibility of harm.

It should also be remembered that Landrigan once admitted in a media interview that:

… no disease has ever been documented that stems from legal applications of pesticides.

That admission could easily be extended to virtually all chemicals that have ever been used in commerce.

What Landrigan and his enviro buddies want is the adoption of the precautionary principle which would block the introduction of new chemicals based on mere assertions of imaginary risk.

2 thoughts on “Landrigan: Scientific evidence unnecessary to condemn chemicals”

  1. DP: The way the media jumps on these kinds of press releases, trumpets, shills and shouts them without any checks whatsoever only encourages them to do this.

  2. Mondern progressives are the laziest people. They belive that a press release is all the evidence required.

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