Earthworks: Fracking violates human rights, Nuremberg Code

New York State fracking opponents say it’s an immoral form of human experimentation.

Earthworks is touting a new report entitled, “A Human Rights Assessment of Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas.”

Here’s the report’s executive summary:

A recent United Nations General Assembly document1 informs the UN Human Rights Council that the environmental damage caused by hydraulic fracturing for natural gas poses “a new threat to human rights.” And a recent United Nations Resolution states that “environmental damage can have negative implications, both direct and indirect, for the effective enjoyment of human rights.”

This human rights report is intended to detail for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and for Earthworks’ Oil and Gas Accountability Project, specific ways in which hydraulic fracturing threatens to compromise human rights norms.

The report argues that fracking may violate the Nuremberg Code by amounting to human experimentation without informed consent.

Invoking the Nuremberg Code on environmental issues would then be an extreme form of the precautionary principle as the greens would argue that all emissions to the environment constitute human experimentation without informed consent.

4 thoughts on “Earthworks: Fracking violates human rights, Nuremberg Code”

  1. how many people does this manifesto really represent. a dozen I bet. These kind of nuts are dangerous. Must have come out of the cold of the occupy movement and needed something to do.

  2. Vast acres of land used for ethanol fuel, wind farms and solar electrical generation violate my rights. All these “green forms of energy have already shown to have caused environmental damage and have negative implications, both direct and indirect, for the effective enjoyment of human rights.” Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas and oil poses no threat to the environment and will in the long run lead to more enjoyment of human rights.

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