Seven years after the California ballot initiative to fund embryonic stem cell research, taxpayers have gotten zilch — predicted this outcome. Continue reading IBD: California’s Stem Cell Solyndra
Month: November 2011
Mann to NYTimes: ‘Who are the criminals?’
We may just have part of the answer! Continue reading Mann to NYTimes: ‘Who are the criminals?’
Climategate 2.0: Alarmist admits ‘not especially honest’ on hockey stick
… and what is the difference between a “climate denier” and a “climate skeptic”, anyway? Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Alarmist admits ‘not especially honest’ on hockey stick
Climategate 2.0: Jones laments blogsites as allowing deniers to find one another
Blasted deniers… and the Internet! Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Jones laments blogsites as allowing deniers to find one another
Climategate 2.0: Systematic deletion of e-mails
Phil Jones’ order to delete e-mails to avoid Freedom of Information requests was certainly executed. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Systematic deletion of e-mails
Climategate 2.0: How Phil Jones misleads journalists
Get a load of the load Phil Jones shovels to an inquiring journalist. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: How Phil Jones misleads journalists
Climategate 2.0: Santer angry over not being able to silence skeptics
Imagine that to debunk a study, you need the author’s approval. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Santer angry over not being able to silence skeptics
Climategate 2.0: Mann says true temp anomaly not known well
So maybe it should be called “hemispherical warming”? Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Mann says true temp anomaly not known well
Food nannies’ killer salt recommendation
A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has a graph showing how potentially harmful the government dietary sodium recommendation is. Continue reading Food nannies’ killer salt recommendation
BPA exposure from canned soup
OMG! This study is really a POS. But WTF, they got it published anyway. Continue reading BPA exposure from canned soup
Climategate 2.0 is here! (Last updated at 02:01 am on 12-05)
More devastating Climategate e-mails were released today. We’ve covered juicy ones in the posts listed below. More on the way. Read ’em all. They validate EVERYTHING the skeptics have been saying. Viva les sceptiques! Continue reading Climategate 2.0 is here! (Last updated at 02:01 am on 12-05)
Climategate 2.0: Silence of the alarmists
They knew the hockey stick was junk science but kept it a secret. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Silence of the alarmists