Greenwashed: 95% Of Your So-Called ‘Green’ Products

And the other 5% are irrelevant and/or insignificant?


We’ve all heard the term “greenwashing,” prompting us to gather our “green” products and give the labels a discerning double-take. Some products that claim to be eco-friendly are actually eco-aloof, fooling eco-conscious consumers into stocking their shelves with products that are much unhealthier than their labels promise. An infographic based on a 2010 study by Terrachoice shows consumers the tricks of the trade and how to avoid them.

Greenwashed: The Truth About 95% of So-Called Green Products begins with a shocking reveal that out of the 5,296 products surveyed in the study, only 265 were as green as claimed. 95% of green products available to consumers are greenwashed. Go on, have a seat and absorb that information. It made us shake our fingers and heads at manipulative marketing tactics and lack of government regulation and oversight.

Scrolling down through the “Seven Common Ways Companies Greenwash,” the fourth way says that the following materials are considered “all-natural:” arsenic, uranium, mercury and formaldehyde. So remember, “all-natural” doesn’t always mean “healthy.” It can also mean toxic.

At the bottom of the infographic, legit labels for overall greenness, food quality and standards, environmental standards, energy efficiency and indoor air quality are shown, making selecting actual green products easier, especially for visual consumers.

Despite the bevvy of inaccurate ingredients and materials claims in the majority of our products, good news does exist within the world of green-ish products. Most greenwashing is more so exaggeration than lies and 32% of cleaning products and 31.7% of DIY construction products use certification by legit eco-labels. Exhale Things aren’t so bad, but they’re still far from great. Check out the infographic below to help guide you through the greenwashing jungle.

One thought on “Greenwashed: 95% Of Your So-Called ‘Green’ Products”

  1. The idea of certifying green products, or that 30%ish of them really are green in some ways, implies that green is desirable. Most of what is being called green is sideways at best or more harmful to the environment than the conventional products.

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