5 thoughts on “Irene: Another doomsday forecast gone awry”

  1. On the up side, she *did* stop the spread of the fire that had been burning in the Great Dismal Swamp for several weeks. she didn’t put it out, though. There are still about 30 ‘hot spots’ still burning.

  2. Writing a book on the great 2011 hurricane. It’s called: “A Tree Falls In Brooklyn”.

  3. People have yet to die since all the flooding has yet to crest. More federal money has been spent in Louisiana to control flooding than all of the East Coast. I live in Louisiana and chuckle about flooding on tops of hills and not on bottoms.

  4. I lived in New Orleans for 12 years. My brother lives there still. We have gotten a huge chuckle out of the hysteria in the media over the approach of Irene. We believe it is because the storm headed towards what most in the media believe to be the center of the universe, NYC.

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