Greens try shifting debate on 'Show us the bodies' challenge

The greens are trying to shift focus away from their bogus air quality-related body counts.

John Walke, the clean air director for the Natural Resources Defense Council, recently challenged utility lobbyist Scott Segal to put up-or-shut up about the claimed economic costs of EPA’s imminent tightening of the ozone standard.

Seems to us to be a distraction from’s challenge to the enviros to demonstrate that anyone is being harmed by ambient air quality.

As reported by Greenwire today,

So far in 2011 there have been about 2,000 “code orange” air quality warnings, in which air is unhealthy for sensitive groups such as children and people with asthma, the Natural Resources Defense Council says in an analysis released today. California and New Jersey had the most, but nearly 40 states had at least one warning.

“We have way too many days in way too many places when the air is unsafe for our kids,” said John Walke, the Natural Resources Defense Council’s clean air director. “EPA needs to quit stalling on tougher smog standards promised years ago and protect our children, our elderly and all of us.”

Well, Mr. Walke, if there’s so much bad air imperiling our kids, surely you will be able to provide some evidence so we skeptics can eat our words.

Show us the bodies, Mr. Walke.

3 thoughts on “Greens try shifting debate on 'Show us the bodies' challenge”

  1. All we ask is to see the “proof”. Show us the bodies. Don’t ask for proof from your adversaries, just show us the bodies. You sound like a politician spewing obsequiousness and misdirection. Is it so hard to show use how you arrived at this conclusion and the names of the people, the hospitals they were admitted to and the follow up treatment administered and names of the doctors giving the treatments who are effected?

    I assume the answer is yes!

  2. If you look at the coding system you will find it fatally flawed.. Basically it makes no sense and has been adjusted with no review. A scare tactic.

  3. This is like the named tropical storm count crisis. They say we have more named storms now than 30 years ago. That’s because the standard used for naming storms is much looser than 30 years ago. The satellite technology lets us see any time 2 clouds get together and voila! A named storm is born!

    While we may be having more “code orange” days, we are not demonstrating that 1) “code orange” conditions are anthropogenic, or 2) not arbitrary.

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