Climate alarmism downgraded from Michael Mann's 'near-certainty' to Michael Mann's 'hypothesis'

It’s been almost a week since the publication of Michael L. Mann’s new climate study and everyone has missed the only notable part of it. Continue reading Climate alarmism downgraded from Michael Mann's 'near-certainty' to Michael Mann's 'hypothesis'

Wheeling Intelligencer: Stop Vendetta Against Coal

“Assuming Obama and the EPA are determined to wreck the coal industry — as they are — could they not have waited a few years until after unemployment created by the Great Recession had eased? Apparently not.” Read the full editorial in The Intelligencer (Wheeling, WV).

Memo to Hal Rogers: 'Hope' is not a strategy for dealing with EPA

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) said that the proposed 18 cut in the FY2012 budget for EPA “sends a very strong message” to rein in EPA’s actions. Rogers then added, “I am hopeful that these provisions are sufficient to prod EPA in the right direction.”

But we’ve been down this path before. The EPA doesn’t generally respond to such “messages.” The EPA knows that the Democrat-controlled Senate will reject the House budget cuts and the Republicans will then fold like a cheap suit. If Rogers wants to get the EPA’s attention, he’ll need to turn the agency’s lights off for awhile — that will require an Alamo-like stand to deep cuts in the EPA budget.

Rogers may view the proposed 18% budget cuts as deep, but we view them as approving of 82% of what the EPA does.

Mercury from CFL debris: Above 'safe' levels and long-lasting, says study

Of course what these researchers fail to grasp is that the mercury in CFLs is a special non-toxic isotope of mercury called HgPC. Continue reading Mercury from CFL debris: Above 'safe' levels and long-lasting, says study

Fred Upton: All talk and no action

No doubt the EPA is trembling (or snickering?) at the sight of House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton’s media release about the EPA’s so-called “Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.” Continue reading Fred Upton: All talk and no action

New green con: 'Pinkwashing'

From an Environmental Justice press release: “Companies that try to increase sales of their products by adopting the color pink and pink ribbons to imply that they support breast cancer research—a practice called pinkwashing—but at the same time permit the use of chemicals shown to cause cancer are committing a form of social injustice against women, according to a thought-provoking article in Environmental Justice, a peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.”

Of course, since no chemicals in consumer products have been shown to cause breast cancer, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. may want to get some new peer-reviewers.

UN-hinged: United Nations wants $76 trillion for 'great green technological transformation'

A new report from the United Nations claims that natural disasters have quintupled over the past 40 years and that developed countries should spend $1.9 trillion annually through 2050 in a “great green technological transformation.”