A group of 15 so-called Republicans wrote President Obama urging him to double average fuel efficiency to as much as 62 miles per gallon by 2025.
But barring some new, magical technology and/or magical fuel, such a policy would put Americans in smaller, lighter and more deadly cars.
The 15 dimwitted RINOs signing the letter are:
- Former Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (N.Y.), Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection;
- Former Congressman Michael Castle (Del.), Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection and one of only eight Republican House members to vote for the notorious Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill;
- Former Congressman Vernon Ehlers (Mich.); Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection;
- Former Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (Md.); Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection
- Former Congressman Benjamin Gilman (N.Y.), an important Congressional supporter of the Church of Scientology;
- Former Congressman Amory Houghton (N.Y.), a limousine liberal who voted with Democrats on environmental issues;
- Former Congressman Connie Morella (Md.), who only voted right once per session — for Speaker;
- Former Congressman Chris Shays (Conn.), an Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection
- Former Congressman Jim Ramstad (Minn.), voted to start implementing the Kyoto Protocol in 2000 and voted against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge;
- Former Congressman Peter Smith, a career education administrator — ’nuff said;
- Former EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman, Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection. When Whitman was selected to be the first EPA administrator in the George W. Bush administration, she didn’t know the difference between ozone depletion and global warming;
- Former EPA administrator Russell Train, Honorary Board member of the Fifth-columnesque Republicans for Environmental Protection;
- Former EPA administrator Bill Reilly, former president and now chairman of the World Wildlife Fund;
- Former EPA administrator Bill Ruckelshaus, the EPA administrator whose 1972 ban of DDT led to the deaths of tens of millions of Africans; and
- Former Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, works to undermine real Republicans through the Bipartisan Policy Center.
either they’re incredibly stupid – or incredibly clever – trying to persuade obama to doing something politically self-destructive
This is definitely a Do Not Resusitate list. Every one of these butt biscuits is a leftist RINO of the worst sort.
And yeah… how do we get this mythical 62mpg? wind sails? A 50cc motorized bicycle could do it. I refuse to give up my F150 and my Town Car. I like comfort and capacity not some dopey (not so) Smart Car idiocy.
Even there I have to be careful not to decapitate my darling granddaughters with another government stupidity – air bags. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” Run! Run for your lives.
Wow, I didn’t even know that Obama was an inventor. 62 MPG would be awesome!
Why do they all have the first name of “Former”?
That are many so-called Republican idiots regarding all matters involving climate science and energy policy. The current front runners include John McCain, Lindsey Graham and independent, Joe Lieberman. A pox on all of them.