Detroit News: Stop EPA from killing coal

The Detroit News editorializes: “The Environmental Protection Agency’s crusade against coal-fired power plants is on a fast track to raise electricity bills in Michigan by as much as 20 percent and restrict the state’s economic growth… In Michigan, DTE estimates installing scrubbers on its coal plants will cost $2 billion, which will be passed on to consumers in higher monthly bills… But the real impact is on jobs and economic growth. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers forecasts 50,000 of its members will lose their jobs within three years, and 200,000 additional jobs down the supply line. In addition, coal-dependent states such as Michigan would risk losing business to states — and countries — that can now produce electricity cheaper. President Barack Obama made a big deal out of promising to put the kibosh on regulations that threaten jobs and growth. And yet he allows Lisa Jackson, the EPA administrator, to continue to impose rules that put growth at risk… [Emphasis added]”

Read the full editorial.