Fossil fuel emissions make Nemo deaf?

As we predicted the other day… Finding deaf Nemos: Clownfish are growing up with impaired hearing ’caused by fossil fuel emissions’. But if baby clownfish were so sensitive to slight changes in their environment, there would be no clownfsh — imagine the relatively dramatic changes in their environment during storms that they survive. Continue reading Fossil fuel emissions make Nemo deaf? launches global warming book drive for needy New Jersey Governor; Christie should be embarrassed by 'What would Al Gore do' rationale

Washington, DC – June 1, 2011 (PRNewswire) – announced today that it is sending an emergency shipment of climate-related books authored by global warming skeptics to Gov. Chris Christie, the apparently climate information-deprived chief executive of the state of New Jersey. Continue reading launches global warming book drive for needy New Jersey Governor; Christie should be embarrassed by 'What would Al Gore do' rationale