Junkman's fantasy: Budget impasse sends 90% of EPA apparatchiks home!

Greenwire reports,

About nine out of every 10 U.S. EPA employees will be furloughed if Congress and the president can’t reach an eleventh-hour budget deal, according to contingency plans released by the agency this morning.

But what about the children?

As I wrote in the Washington Times on February 9,

The EPA is coming for our jobs, electricity and economy. The Obama administration is preparing to make cap-and-trade look like a walk in the park compared to EPA regulation. Its regulatory apparatus is running amok.

Cut the EPA’s budget. Cut it in March. Close down the federal government if necessary. Save us now.

March may not have worked out, but cutting the EPA’s budget in April works, too.

Ford unhappy with outcome of climate alarmism

Bill Ford has spent much of the past 11 years agitating for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions limits. Now Ford is unhappy that his company is reaping what he sowed. Continue reading Ford unhappy with outcome of climate alarmism

Obama finally embraces malaria victims — as political pawns

By Steve Milloy

U.S. Agency for International Development administrator Rajiv Shah and Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson win this week’s award for cynicism. Continue reading Obama finally embraces malaria victims — as political pawns