Waxman-Markey subsidizes ‘Shower Nazi’

A “Shower Nazi” may be coming your way courtesy of Waxman-Markey.

Section 217 of the bill provides for a “water efficient product incentive program” that would provide rebates, vouchers, direct installs and other forms of financial assistance for the installation of water-saving products.

During my radio interview last Friday with Bob Jamison (Kern Valley News, KNCQ 102.5 FM / Bakersfield, CA), Jamison, a motel owner, told me that he had been solicited by the seller of the “Shower Manager,” a water-saving device. Curious, I went to the Shower manager web site.

Here’s how the Shower Manager works:

The Shower Manager not only puts time limits on the shower, it also cuts the water flow when the time has expired. Our unique shower timer is a patented two-phase flow controller that permits a full-flow of water for a time period you select, (5, 8 or 11 minutes) and then restricts the water flow by two-thirds when that time limit expires. You set the full-flow Interval that best fits your lifestyle and lock it in using a special magnetic sensor.

Shower manager with full flow
Shower manager with full flow
Shower Manager with restricted flow
Shower Manager with restricted flow

Here’s a letter from an actual satisfied customer of Shower Manager that is posted on the product web site:

Your product is awesome! We have had it for two weeks now and it works like a charm! My kids call it the Shower Nazi… but with the savings on water, we’ll be able to reward them at the end of the month!
Thanks, Lisa J

So your tax dollars may soon be used to outfit homes, hotel/motel rooms, gyms, and country clubs across the country with the Shower Nazi.

Isn’t green great?

20 thoughts on “Waxman-Markey subsidizes ‘Shower Nazi’”

  1. These comments were actually directed at you.jcscuba Says:

    June 30, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    In it’s incredible wisdom the word was let out that the government would be providing subsidies and rebates for the purchase of what appears to be an incredibly useful device. The question is buy one today or wait for tax rebates? Milloy has no problem with saving water, it is the forced implementation by the current administration that passes bills they don’t read that pisses both him and me off. Your lead in is a gross representation, but then again you probably believe that Co2 is involved in climate change, LOL J.C.

  2. In it’s incredible wisdom the word was let out that the government would be providing subsidies and rebates for the purchase of what appears to be an incredibly useful device. The question is buy one today or wait for tax rebates? Milloy has no problem with saving water, it is the forced implementation by the current administration that passes bills they don’t read that pisses both him and me off. Your lead in is a gross representation, but then again you probably believe that Co2 is involved in climate change, LOL J.C.

  3. Very lucid comment Johnny. Billy Mays could sell anything. Obama should have him around to sell Crap and Trade we’d all buy in. I will actually miss Billy Mays – the best Carnie ever and that is a compliment.

  4. Reminds me of our “green” toilet. It sometimes takes a plunger and two or three more flushes to get the job done. It’s time we upgraded to “sensible”.

  5. Water conservation has been a patriotic exercise in America since . . . since Plymouth Rock. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn it early.

    This is one more post in which you reveal that your denialism really is anti-American.

    Why don’t you just urinate on an American flag in Times Square? Wouldn’t that send the same message?

  6. as Hans keeps on pointing out in democracy, (where most of the people don’t take any time to inform themselves and be intelligent voters because it interferes with their fun time – per Plato), everyone gets the gov’t that most of the people deserve

  7. Hoo haw! You know, they had something like this installed at my gym earlier this year. Only it was less technically far out. They replaced all of the shower heads with these sprinklers. I cursed every time I used them. The only relief was it made me chuckle to remember a Seinfeld episode I saw once, where everyone’s hair was flat. Good thing I don’t have any hair.

    Anyway a couple of months ago they put real shower heads back in.
    I don’t know why… perhaps it was because everyone was forced to spend more time in the shower to actually get the job done, thus consuming *more* water.

  8. In the 1500 pages nobody has apparently read I wonder how many other fun things are included. By the time it comes to a vote in the Senate maybe those voting and enough of the rest of us will have read and digested this great American scam to be able to comment intelligently. We know Pelosi and the ones that voted for this atrocity (including 8 turncoat republicans) are clueless idiots. They should all be put out to pasture next year.

  9. Well, this shows me that many people have the right idea. “Green” is not only FASCIST, it may well be NAZI.

    However: “My kids call it the Shower Nazi…” This woman must be totally STUPID!! And, of course, her kids being educated under PC, they too must think it is “so cool”, and they are probably more stupid than Lisa. This to me shows that Lisa and her kids may think NAZI-ism is OK, in spite of the history of it in Germany, Iraq, and Syria. And then there was(?) La Colonia Dignidad in Chile. And there are the huge German-only enclaves in places like Paraguay (4th Reich?) Not a friggin’ brain in any of their heads. Not even any gray matter!! For those with some brains left out there, go to Amazon.co.uk (ONLY THERE!!) and order the FIVE “ProjeKt Saucer” novels (a series) by W.A. Harbinson. 600 pages each. Read them in order. One critic has validly described them as 3000 pages of sheer terror. After you start to read the book, certain historical events will start to parallel the novels. And what Harbinson tells you about those events as set forth in his books is what should scare the hell out of you. “Gee Toto. We’re not in Kansas anymore.” Nor have we been since JFK was murdered by the SAME ROTTEN OUTFIT that is pushing all this “green” shit!! I will go to jail before anything like this gets put in my house.

    And don’t give up yet. The vote in the “House” under the tyrant Nancy Polosi was close. With a little help from some Southern Democrats in the Senate, we COULD stop this SOB!! Otherwise PRAY!!

  10. I can’t wait till we all have a live in person who goes about turning the water off when we have had enough and also to make sure we use only 3 sheets of toilet paper after defecation to make sure we don’t pollute with all that unnecessary paper . it will also save a tree a year per person, just think 300 million trees spared because we walk around with cling on’s in our underwear. One big switch per city for when lights out at 10 PM and wham no lights till six in the morning. Being green is not easy nor cheap. There will be no second shifts nor third shift so all electricity can be turned off at the end of the day. No one will have job so gasoline will be 20.00 a gallon because no one will need it except to go to the welfare office. clothes lines will pop up all over the country again.

  11. So the rest of us get punished because Lisa and other’s like her can’t control their children? That figures.

  12. Too bad Billy Mays passed away yesterday – he could have helped sell millions of theses things to the general public.

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