Bizarre ‘Fox Lies’ video: Alleged “Climate-Denying O’Reilly Fan” Now Believes Global Warming is Real

A case study on what happens when somebody makes an assertion about a Fox News personality without doing some elemental research into what he actually says or believes. Continue reading Bizarre ‘Fox Lies’ video: Alleged “Climate-Denying O’Reilly Fan” Now Believes Global Warming is Real

Educating Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (Rajendra… who?)

Last week on his Fox News “The O’Reilly Factor” program, Bill O’Reilly did not recognize Rajendra Pachauri in a video clip, and asked repeatedly who he was. This was in his Wednesday 3/14 ‘Dennis Miller’ segment, where the two were joking about Al Gore’s latest antics (transcript here, video here, the Gore part starts at the 5:15 point).

Continue reading Educating Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (Rajendra… who?)