DeCoster: Raw Milk is Killing Millions of People; Must Be Banned

“The government needs to go after raw milk farmers because it is “150 times more dangerous” than government-approved milk.” Continue reading DeCoster: Raw Milk is Killing Millions of People; Must Be Banned

Enviros hijack property rights theme against Keystone XL

My favorite lame-o excuse is that pipeline excavation may destroy ancient artifacts — like pottery chards — which no one can see anyway because they’re buried. Continue reading Enviros hijack property rights theme against Keystone XL

Enviro review of Penn State ‘climate ethicist’ lecture

“I attended the lecture “Turning Up the Volume on the Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change” by Dr. Donald Brown, Associate Professor of Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law at Penn State University last night at the EAM. I have got to say that this guy is brilliant…” Continue reading Enviro review of Penn State ‘climate ethicist’ lecture