Resistance Exposed: EPA scientist too busy ‘fighting’ EPA budget cuts to review NEJM PM2.5 paper

Should EPA employees really be employed to “fight” budget cuts ordered by the President?

EPA Senior scientist Robert Devlin was too busy fighting proposed EPA budget cuts to review the infamous NEJM PM2.5 paper.

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Exposed: Harvard prof offers US EPA employees ‘royal hospitality’ to help get $10 million contract from Kuwait EPA

Does an e-mail obtained by reveal an attempted bribe (is there another word?) to EPA employees for helping Harvard get a lucrative Kuwaiti contract?

Harvard’s Petros Koutrakis offered ‘royal hospitality’ to US EPA employees who help him get a $10 million contract from the Kuwait EPA.

Continue reading Exposed: Harvard prof offers US EPA employees ‘royal hospitality’ to help get $10 million contract from Kuwait EPA

Claim: Smoking one cigarette per day as risky as smoking 10 cigarettes per day

More absurdity from the anti-tobacco junk science mob.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill (1897-1991). Famed epidemiologist who mercifully died before he could witness the gross abuse of his beloved field.

Continue reading Claim: Smoking one cigarette per day as risky as smoking 10 cigarettes per day