EPA tightens PM2.5 standards; Milloy not allowed to ask Lisa Jackson about human testing

Arrogance in action. Questioning of EPA administrator Lisa Jackson conveniently ended while I was in the question queue. The last person allowed to ask a question said he had no question because his question had already been answered. EPA then abruptly ended questioning though I and possibly others were still in queue. At that point, … Continue reading EPA tightens PM2.5 standards; Milloy not allowed to ask Lisa Jackson about human testing

Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

My appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show Wednesday amid the apocalyptic air in New York City has set of the greens, including: Salon, The Independent (UK), Newsweek, The Telegraph (UK), Rolling Stone, The New Republic, MSNBC, USA Today, Mediaite, Media Matters, the Washington Post and more. Only PolitiFact had the decency to ask me questions me. … Continue reading Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

Notice of Appeal filed in Young v. EPA

Coming off a partial trial court loss in September, the CASAC portion of Young v. EPA is being appealed. The question to be determined is: Did Congress authorize EPA to rig statutorily required external scientific peer review with agency grantee-cronies? This case will determine the outcome of the Biden regime’s efforts to backdoor regulate climate … Continue reading Notice of Appeal filed in Young v. EPA

EPA: Cleaner air is more deadly

The EPA’s draft PM2.5 policy assessment update claims that at low levels, the PM2.5 dose-response curve is supralinear for fatal heart attacks (see image below) — meaning that cleaner air actually kills people. So stupid. There is not a substance known to toxicology where the dose-response curve shows that lower exposure is more dangerous than … Continue reading EPA: Cleaner air is more deadly

Preliminary injunction sought in Young v. EPA

Just filed, here is the memorandum in support of a preliminary injunction against EPA in Young v. EPA. Dr. Young has asked the court to step in immediately and to block EPA from starting the CASAC advisory process until the CASAC can be reconstituted in the balanced manner required by the law. Dr. Young and … Continue reading Preliminary injunction sought in Young v. EPA

The EPA PM railroad begins rolling

After science advisor cleansing and reconstituting science advisory boards with its rubber-stamping cronies, the EPA PM2.5 railroad is ready to roll. It has an ‘updated assessment’ out and ready for rubberstamping, starting with EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel of cronies. The ostensible goal is to cut the PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) from 12 … Continue reading The EPA PM railroad begins rolling

Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

The National Academy of Sciences has convened (for money) at EPA’s “request” a committee of ‘researchers’ in a panel called, “Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards.” Despite what the NAS says, the purpose of this committee is to help the Biden EPA resurrect the PM2.5 junk science that … Continue reading Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

The Biden EPA plans to return to the good old pre-Trump days of regulating based on fake benefit-cost analysis. You can file your written comments with EPA here. The deadline is June 14,2021. The Federal Register announcement is here. Please support JunkScience.com in our fight against the bad guys! Please support JunkScience.com in our fight … Continue reading Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules