China’s bad air puts the lie to EPA scare tactics

By Steve Milloy January 22, 2013, Washington Times China’s notoriously bad air has recently been especially hard to breathe. It also shows that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) science is especially hard to believe.

Milloy: GOP needs to start talking about EPA reform now

By Steve Milloy September 19, 2012, Washington Times One issue that has been noticeably absent from the Republican platform this election season is any discussion of the Obama Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It didn’t even come up at the Republican National Convention a couple of weeks ago. If the omission was an oversight, it was … Continue reading Milloy: GOP needs to start talking about EPA reform now


The EPA Human Experiments: Agency Scientists Ignore Rules for the Protection of Human Subjects Established After World War II and Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments Overview Since at least 2004 and up through the Obama administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been secretly testing highly toxic/lethal air pollutants on unhealthy human study subjects for the … Continue reading Summary