WINNING: EPA won’t tighten the PM2.5 standard

A big win for all who have worked on this. We’re not done yet. But a big win nonetheless. You can read the wailings of the PM2.5 fraudsters in the New York Times coverage (Web | PDF). Incredible that the fraudsters launched their PM2.5-coronavirus study as a last minute “Hail Mary.” Also note the fake news headline — “Trump Disregards Advice.” In fact, EPA’s CASAC advised Administrator Wheeler that there was no scientific basis for tightening the standards.

ExxonMobil keeps lying on climate

ExxonMobil’s 2020 proxy statement (for its annual shareholder meeting) has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It includes my shareholder proposal requesting that ExxonMobil be honest about the costs and benefits of its climate-related activities. ExxonMobil insists on lying — even though the SEC agrees with me. My proposal and ExxonMobil’s response are below.

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Harvard Howler: Study claims PM2.5 increases risk of death from COVID19

Never waste a crisis. A new study from Harvard claims that 1 microgram per cubic meter increase in PM2.5 is associated with a 15% increase in deaths from COVID19. This is totally absurd.

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EPA staff sabotages fuel economy rollback

So the Trump administration finally finished rolling back the pointlessly expensive and impossible-to-achieve 2012 Obama administration fuel economy standards. Great. But did EPA staff sabotage the rulemaking to favor certain legal challenge by environmentalists? You betcha.

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Teen climate activist to elderly on coronavirus: I skipped spring break so you can live

Now we’re supposed to go communist because teens have been momentarily inconvenienced.

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