More appalling LNT fraud from the National Academy of Sciences

In his new paper, Ed Calabrese reports that the ever-fraudulent National Academy of Sciences ignored data showing no genetic damage among the Japanese atomic bomb survivors because it would expose the limitations of extrapolating from animal data.

New York Times article from August 2, 1956 reporting on research showing no genetic harm among atomic bomb survivors.

Continue reading More appalling LNT fraud from the National Academy of Sciences

Biden EPA to regulate farm and construction dust PM2.5 readers will remember that the Obama-Biden EPA was considering regulating farm dust PM2.5 — recall PM2.5 is soot and dust. Only farmer blowback ahead of the 2012 election stopped the Obama-Biden EPA. A new study (falsely) attributes one-half of (imaginary) PM2.5 deaths to agriculture and construction dust. Rest assured a Biden administration would impose (expensive and pointless) PM2.5 limits on those operations.

Continue reading Biden EPA to regulate farm and construction dust PM2.5

Harvard Air Pollution-COVID-19 Study Gets Smoked

My column at (Web | PDF)

Harvard’s Francesca Dominci, the ‘researcher’ behind the always false and now thoroughly discredited claim that PM2.5 worsens COVID-19 outcomes.

Continue reading Harvard Air Pollution-COVID-19 Study Gets Smoked

Biden picks Comrade Carol Browner as climate advisor

Joe Biden has picked Carol Browner as a climate advisor. Browner was the Clinton EPA chief and Obama energy and environment czar. fans will recall that in 2009 we exposed Browner’s leadership position in Socialist International. Below is a pic of Brpwner addressing a 2008 Socialist International convention. Green is the new red!