New York Times, EDF climate scientist applaud suicide over climate at Supreme Court

Just read their own words ( | PDF). You’d think the media and activists would discourage suicide, but its only kind of an afterthought at the end.

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Milloy talks climate craziness, Biden’s NEPA move and shareholder proposals with OANN’s Kara McKinney

From the April 19,2022 episode of OANN’s Tipping Point.

Vote for Milloy’s ‘Nuisance Shareholder’ shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil

If you hate activists pretending to be shareholders at corporate annual meetings, vote for my “Nuisance Shareholder” proposal at ExxonMobil. My “shareholder proposal to end all shareholder proposals” would encourage management to end the ridiculous and counterproductive process of shareholder proposals, a process through which fossil fuel-hating activists have almost seized control of ExxonMobil.

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Vote for Milloy’s ‘Communist China Audit’ shareholder proposal at Verizon

If you own shares of Verizon, the shareholder voting for the annual meeting has now opened. This year’s voting includes my proposal for a “Communist China Audit.” My proposal and Verizon’s (lame) response are below. I will be submitting this proposal to other companies next year. You can as well. The Verizon annual meeting is May 12, 2022. You can read about the struggle over this proposal at the Securities and Exchange Commission here.

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Vote for Milloy’s ‘Communist China Audit’ shareholder proposal at 3M

If you own shares of 3M, the shareholder voting for the annual meeting has started. This year’s voting includes my proposal for a “Communist China Audit.” My proposal and 3M’s (lame) response are below. I will be submitting this proposal to other companies next year. You can as well. The 3M annual meeting is May 10, 2022.

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EPA trying to railroad the formaldehyde risk assessment

One of the of the first regulatory controversies I was involved in when I started working on environmental issues in 1990 was the formaldehyde risk assessment. The controversy continues to this day with an impatient EPA trying to ram through a rigged risk assessment. That alone should tell what you need to know about any junk science-fueled alarm over formaldehyde — a much-studied and well-understood chemical. Here is a fact sheet on the EPA formaldehyde railroad prepared by the American Chemistry Council. Also check out the related letter from ACC, and this letter from Ohio Congressman Mike Carey to the rogue EPA.

Must watch: Big Oil CEOs confronted about green appeasement, fired to admit their products are great

At today’s, House Democrat Big Oil Inquisition on price gouging, Ohio GOP Rep. Bill Johnson confronted Big Oil CEOs over failed green appeasement and forced them to admit they provide valuable products to society.