Green groups lobby Congress on behalf Communist China and Uyghur genocide

Communist China uses Uyghur slave labor in the manufacture of solar panels. Absent action from Congress, President Trump placed tariffs on these panels. Then in 2021, a law was enacted banning the import of slave labor panels. But China had already worked around the law and Trump tariffs by laundering the panels through other Asian countries like Malaysia and Cambodia. Upon complaint from the US solar panel industry about China circumventing the law and tariffs, the Biden Administration determined the circumvention was indeed happening, but then decided to exempt Chinese manufacturers from the tariffs anyway. A bill in Congress now would rollback the Biden exemption and reinstate the Trump tariffs on Uyghur slave labor-made panels. In a boost for genocide, 10 green groups have written members of Congress in opposition to the rollback of the Biden exemption.

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Memo to GOP Members of Congress: No rush to judgment on climate just reported on a very special memo on climate sent to Republicans members of Congress from the Competitive Enterprise Institute. You can read it here.

Continue reading Memo to GOP Members of Congress: No rush to judgment on climate

EPA brief filed in Young v. EPA

EPA’s brief is here. My quick summary of the agency’s argument on appeal is: 1) You can’t sue us; and 2) Even if you could, we can do whatever we want. While that is the standard government agency defense, I doubt that Congress intended for EPA to rig mandatory peer review.

2023.03.31 Young v. EPA Appellee Brief

Global warming solved: All we need is more climate agreements?

Climate apocalyptic Katharine Hayhoe recently told PBS that the Paris Climate Accord is already working. preliminarily confirms this.

Continue reading Global warming solved: All we need is more climate agreements?

Tucker Carlson slams new IPCC report

For the second time in the past week, Tucker Carlson slammed climate idiocy in his opening monologue… including using material from our first Wrong Again report.