Chinese-owned Volvo Trucks pulling out all stops to kill rural American rags-to-riches glider truck business

Despite support from President Trump and EPA chief Scott Pruitt, Tommy Fitzgerald’s incredible American success story runs into a Chinese wall.

Glider Truck Coda: Garbage from the North Carolina Department of Justice readers will call the glider truck saga chronicled closely here. Three-plus years after I FOIA-ed the North Carolina Department of Justice about its involvement in the scandalous cabal against glider trucks, I finally got a response. It’s mostly nothing except for the image below used in the NCDOJ’s propaganda against glider trucks. That’s not … Continue reading Glider Truck Coda: Garbage from the North Carolina Department of Justice

WINNING: EPA official involved in rigged glider truck testing reassigned

You can’t fire federal employees very easily. But you can reassign them. Christopher Grundler, the EPA official in charge of the office involved in the rigged testing of glider trucks is being reassigned to other duty.

EPA staffer behind rigged glider truck testing, now trying to sabotage Trump rollback of Obama fuel economy standards

Senior EPA bureaucrat Bill Charmley is personally try to wreck to the Trump deregulatory agenda.

New-Truck Emissions Scandal: Cummins recalls 500,000 trucks for faulty NOx emissions control

So now we know why Cummins-engine-using Volvo Trucks and the EPA Deep Staters (DEEPA?) in its Michigan emissions lab didn’t want to test Cummins engines against glider engines.

Anti-glider truck fraud expands: JAMA allows Harvard’s Dominici to publish bogus activist death estimate as empirical fact

The criminal conspiracy to destroy the glider truck industry is expanding. I guess the Journal of the American Medical Association wants to be part of it.