Clinton’s Pledge to Curtail Fracking Falls on Unconvinced Ears

“Secretary Clinton’s answer is essentially campaign hyperbole, and meant to appease her environmental constituency. In reality, it has little substance to it.” Continue reading Clinton’s Pledge to Curtail Fracking Falls on Unconvinced Ears

Claim: Shipwrecks, tree rings reveal Caribbean hurricanes in buccaneer era

Shiver me timbers this is funny: “By combining shipwreck data and tree-ring data, we are extending the Caribbean hurricane record back in time and that improves our understanding of hurricane variability.” Continue reading Claim: Shipwrecks, tree rings reveal Caribbean hurricanes in buccaneer era

Scientists trash ‘myths’ of green aviation technology

“While these inventions are fascinating from a research perspective, they won’t act as a panacea for the harmful, climate damaging emissions that the aviation industry is increasingly releasing into our atmosphere.” Continue reading Scientists trash ‘myths’ of green aviation technology

Schools Add ‘Cli-Fi’ — Climate Fiction — to Lit Curriculums

The only Cli-Fi worth reading is Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear” — but that book may be reclassified to “Current Events.” Continue reading Schools Add ‘Cli-Fi’ — Climate Fiction — to Lit Curriculums