FACT SHEET: Particulate Matter in Indoor/Outdoor Air Does NOT Cause Death

This is the ultimate fact sheet for debunking what has become the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s most potent regulatory weapon — the claim that fine particulate matter (soot and dust called PM2.5) in outdoor air kills people. This sheet will be updated regularly as needed. This will be Version 1 (September 22, 2016). Please let me know if you have comments/suggestions. Continue reading FACT SHEET: Particulate Matter in Indoor/Outdoor Air Does NOT Cause Death

NO… Indonesia’s 2015 forest fires did not kill 100,000… or even one

99% of air quality researchers are the most dishonest and/or stupidest people on the planet. Continue reading NO… Indonesia’s 2015 forest fires did not kill 100,000… or even one

Update: Audio recordings of presentations to National Academy of Sciences re EPA’s human experiments

UPDATE: JunkScience.com has just obtained the audio recordings of the presentations of Steve Milloy, Dr. John Dunn, Dr. Stan Young, Dr. Jim Enstrom and Albert Donnay to the National Academy of Sciences concerning the EPA’s unethical/illegal human experiments. Links to the audio are below. Continue reading Update: Audio recordings of presentations to National Academy of Sciences re EPA’s human experiments

Conflicts of Interest at the National Academy of Sciences?

A committee of the National Academy of Sciences is reviewing what I have described as the EPA’s unethical, if not illegal program of human experiments involving air pollutants. But is “the fix” in favor of the EPA built-in to the process? Continue reading Conflicts of Interest at the National Academy of Sciences?

University of California profs demand continuation of air pollution gravy train

Nineteen research professors from the University of Southern California, UCLA, UC-Irvine and the California Institute of Technology have written the South Coast Air Quality Management District urging more stringent air quality regulations. I’m sure all the federal money they get for their “research” has nothing to do with their request. Continue reading University of California profs demand continuation of air pollution gravy train

Report: NAS Meeting on EPA’s Illegal Human Experiments

Here is my report of last Wednesday’s National Academy of Sciences (NAS) public meeting public meeting about EPA’s illegal human experiments. Continue reading Report: NAS Meeting on EPA’s Illegal Human Experiments