Really Red: Chinese environment official challenged to swim in polluted river

Bao Zhenming, who declined to take up the challenge was offered over £20,000 to swim in the contaminated waterway. Continue reading Really Red: Chinese environment official challenged to swim in polluted river

UK: Pollution that killed seabirds cannot be traced, rules investigation

“Source of sticky substance that caused death of hundreds of birds off UK coast will stay a mystery.” Continue reading UK: Pollution that killed seabirds cannot be traced, rules investigation

Mass. official blasts ‘voracious appetite’ of EPA ‘beast’

“Worcester Department of Public Works & Parks Commissioner Robert Moylan had little love for the Environmental Protection Agency and the more than $1 billion in mandated water and sewer projects the city will be required to undertake in a report to the City Council regarding infrastructure needs over the next five years.” Continue reading Mass. official blasts ‘voracious appetite’ of EPA ‘beast’

Who does Joe play for in the Senate?

By Steve Milloy
January 26, 2012, Charleston Daily Mail

What has Joe Manchin done for West Virginia coal lately? That’s a question West Virginians ought to be asking themselves now that John Raese has announced a challenge for Manchin’s Senate seat. Continue reading Who does Joe play for in the Senate?