Is Orwellian Speech a form of JunkScience?

When a word or concept is twisted or misused to deceive, is that Orwellian?
Junk Science is dishonesty in the business of intellectual inquiry that results in bad conclusions or policy decisions.
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Violence Increases on UK Campuses

Yesterday we were given an example of masked torch bearers invading the yard of a pipeline exec.
Today a report on extremist incidents increasing on UK Campuses.
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Dark Money and Climate Advocacy

There is some blow hard named Brulle, a sociologist from Drexel U in Philly (gee, wonder if he’s a lefty?) who claims that 1 billion is being spent by eveeeel capitalists in opposition to warmers.
Damn it, so far, none of that money has gotten to me and I fight the warmers all the time.
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Drugs Bring us a Brave New World

Aldous Huxley proposed that the dystopia of the future would be, to a great extent, dependent on a drug to numb the desires and energies of the society.  The Drug he chose to name was Soma.

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Societal Structures and Mixed Up people

Dan Flynn, a regular essayist at AmSpec, offers some troubling observations about people and relationships in the wake of the heroin OD of the actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
It is easy to talk about loving your neighbor as an abstraction, or believing the words of the John Lennon song
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Shell does a Deal with the Enemy

Shell adheres to the compromiser’s theory that can be characterized
as feeding beefsteak to the Leopard, hoping it will become a vegetarian.

Dr. Krauthammer, Meet Dr. Dunn, HMO Vet

Charles Krauthammer’s wrote insightfully and was cited here on his comments on the realities of medical care and the myths that drive current plans.
However, there are more myths than even Dr. K is aware of.
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