Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

So… not at all? Continue reading Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

“The researchers expect to soon convert the prototype, which is smaller and lighter than a cellphone, into a wearable, affordable and reusable device that helps to enforce no smoking regulations and sheds light on the pervasiveness of secondhand smoke. The sensor can also detect thirdhand smoke, or nicotine off-gassing from clothing, furniture, car seats and other material.” Continue reading Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

Putin targets secondhand smoke, cigarette sales — hopes to reverse population decline

But not too many people die from smoking in their child-bearing years. Continue reading Putin targets secondhand smoke, cigarette sales — hopes to reverse population decline

Poorly conducted research is a gift to the opponents of tobacco control

Poorly conducted research has never stopped prohibitionists before. Why stop now? Tobacco companies don’t even oppose bad science. Continue reading Poorly conducted research is a gift to the opponents of tobacco control