I hate to bust your balloon, but Saul Alinsky, mentor to Hillary and Barack, hated the United States of America and all it represented.
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Category: Silencing Scientists
I Thought Krauthammer was in Jail for Sedition?
Here’s Charles, who is in a wheelchair so he can’t run and hide.
The long knives were out last week over his Climate comments.
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Roy Spencer condemns the Left
Yes, I say the left, becuase the Anti defamation league is doing what all lefty organizations do–using a double standard.
The ADL is like the ACLU or any of a number of lefty organizations–they are predictable.
Continue reading Roy Spencer condemns the Left
Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons Journal announces publication of an article condemning the EPA junk science on air pollution, imagine that.
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Bullying and Scientific Misconduct
Charles Battig MD is a distinguished anesthesiologist and electrical engineer.
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Mikey in Trouble after defaulting to Ball
It’s a long and ugly story. Tim Ball, climate scientist and skeptic of warming is sued by the litigious Michael Mann, and his life is turned upside down.
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Daren Jonescu on Climate Science Totalitarian Thugs and Hypocrites
Professor of Philosophy, and sho nuff a philospher, transplant from Canada to So. Korea, and a prolific, original thinker and writer on a wide range of subjects.
Stuns me with his insights.
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Freeman Dyson– ally in the Climate War
The book review on scientific blunders by Freeman Dyson reminded me, some of you may not know of Freeman Dyson, our giant friend in the war on climate against the Warmers.
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McCarthyism is a Terrible Calumny
McCarthyism was always used as a vilification of anyone who made an irresponsible accusation.
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UVA , built by Jefferson, Now Censors Speech?
The UVA people think anyone who opposes fanatic warmers should be banned? Well at least the enviros do.
Ain’t they somethin’.
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Is Orwellian Speech a form of JunkScience?
When a word or concept is twisted or misused to deceive, is that Orwellian?
Junk Science is dishonesty in the business of intellectual inquiry that results in bad conclusions or policy decisions.
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Post Modernist Junk Science, Lying for Justice–Dangerous Stuff
Post modernism posits that there is no truth, nothing reliable, traditional science and traditions in general are just “constructs” promoted to the advantage of the oppressor class.
Post modernist thinkers view the world through a Marxist/Hegelian prism–and it makes them evil sorcerers.
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