Loathsome DDT opponents raise their ugly heads

Here at JunkScience.com we are DDT advocates, to save the millions of victims of malaria that die or suffer from the terrible disease because of anxious morons in the 1st world.
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Modern society doesn't respect scientists, why?

Physician O Mahoney reveiewed a book by Harry Collins on the problem of science declining in respect.
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VDH on the greenie/leftist elitist bully game

Hanson nails this one–no content or substance on the left, arrogant chatter and flash.
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Nigel Lawson discusses Wickedness in the Warmer Movement

There is an unmistakable elegance to behold when this Brit intellectual icon takes on the ideology and conduct of the warmer fanatics and their fanaticism.
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NIce essay from Jim Lakely on the Warming Debate

Jim Lakely is an articulate informant on warming issues.
I will put up here his short essay of response to an inquiry.
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