Here at we are DDT advocates, to save the millions of victims of malaria that die or suffer from the terrible disease because of anxious morons in the 1st world.
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Category: Silencing Scientists
Modern society doesn't respect scientists, why?
Physician O Mahoney reveiewed a book by Harry Collins on the problem of science declining in respect.
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Richard Epstein, Con lawyer talks factions, bullies
You could say–oh–too esoteric to talk about Faction in the political science sense. Not so.
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Lamar Smith of Texas–touche'
Of course the Bamster is surely convinced of his own invincibility and the “consensus” that warming is catastrophic and caused by humans.
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VDH on the greenie/leftist elitist bully game
Hanson nails this one–no content or substance on the left, arrogant chatter and flash.
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Nigel Lawson discusses Wickedness in the Warmer Movement
There is an unmistakable elegance to behold when this Brit intellectual icon takes on the ideology and conduct of the warmer fanatics and their fanaticism.
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New bullies and censors–pay attention.
Jeff Lord talks the talk and shows what we are dealing with.
Continue reading New bullies and censors–pay attention.
Tom Steyer, puppet master, Crony Capitalist
So Steyer promises to fund lefty green causes.
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Common Core Junk Science
A real scientist/engineer discusses Common Core junk science.
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NIce essay from Jim Lakely on the Warming Debate
Jim Lakely is an articulate informant on warming issues.
I will put up here his short essay of response to an inquiry.
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I put up junk from the Guardian and they say–shut up?
I am shocked to know that open-minded Brits–very polite you know–
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CK reviews the tyranny of the left.
Your think the left isn’t interested in eliminating dissent?
Continue reading CK reviews the tyranny of the left.