Loathsome DDT opponents raise their ugly heads

Here at JunkScience.com we are DDT advocates, to save the millions of victims of malaria that die or suffer from the terrible disease because of anxious morons in the 1st world.

Can we quote the Zambia Times–well I would suggest they have good reason to weigh in.
The rags like the Guardian and the NYT should weigh out.
I would like to give just one chemophobe an opportunity to have their child suffer one day of malaria. It would be a moment of discovery and then i would refuse to recognize their suffering for their child and tell them some stupid Rachel Carson story about her courage and eloquence trying to save? What? RACHEL CARSON WAS A LYING FEMALE JACKAL. All Rachel Cason is can be summed up–a paranoid, lying chemophobe who paved the way for killing millions of innoncents. Shame on her and her despicable supporters

4 thoughts on “Loathsome DDT opponents raise their ugly heads”

  1. And today, Google commemorated her birthday! The woman (and her folllowers) are responsible for millions of unpleasant deaths …

  2. There are a few things we really need to understand about this whole DDT issue and Rachel Carson. Carson was an amazing writer – and even now when I read her stuff I find myself drawn into her spider’s web. But Carson – irrespective of all the accolades and claims – was not a scientist. She had a science degree but never did any research. Carson was a science writer, and before Silent Spring she did very credible work to the point that – I believe it was two of her books on the ocean – made it to the New York Times Best Sellers list. No small feat.
    However, when she ventured into the issue of chemical pesticides she became the mother of junk science, and even though greenies attempt to defend her saying she didn’t want DDT banned – from everything she wrote that was the only conclusion at which anyone could arrive.
    Her book was not “science”, it was not peer reviewed before publication, it originally appeared as installments in the New Yorker magazine, and was so well received it was published as a book.
    When her claims were reviewed by real scientists she did not fare well. As for this issue regarding egg shell thinning; that was based on studies that deliberately withheld calcium from the birds being tested, and in one case – the famous DeWitt study – she deliberately misrepresented the facts. It doesn’t surprise me this “researcher” won’t retract his statements about egg shell thinning and DDT because these irrational, misanthropic and morally defective anti-DDT fanatics have no love of truth or consistency. They are secular religionists and nothing can be acceptable if it disputes their “First Article of Faith”, that DDT was evil. And since the ban on DDT was foundational to their belief system….nothing can be tolerated that favors DDT.
    The fact is the avian population increased dramatically during the DDT years in North America, including the Bald Eagle, and the robin – whose demise she indirectly predicted – was the most numerous bird in North America at that time.

  3. As I understand the original experiment the results could not be duplicated by others as the amount of calcium was not adjusted for a natural diet, non was in the diet fed to the test birds. Since birds use calcium from there bones to produce the egg shell over time thinning of the shells would be expected. Am I correct?

  4. As I understand it, even Carson said DDT should not be banned.
    Not that anyone heard that after all that came before.

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