EPA Junk Science Takes Another Hit–More Secret Science Discussion

Got this on the bounce from Lee Brown, Exec with the Construction Truckers of CA.
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Dr. Krauthammer, Meet Dr. Dunn, HMO Vet

Charles Krauthammer’s wrote insightfully and was cited here on his comments on the realities of medical care and the myths that drive current plans.
However, there are more myths than even Dr. K is aware of.
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We Really Really Need Another Journal

Oh happy day, the Geophysical Union announces a new Wiley pub, Earth and Space Science.
Wonder if their editorial panel and peer review process will be fair or this will be a me too journal for warmers.

Bee Colony–no crisis–Big Surprise

Would you, after experiencing the constant noise of crisis mongering, be surprised if you heard the bee colony collapse is no collapse at all and bee colonies are doing quite well, thank you?
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Post Modernist Junk Science, Lying for Justice–Dangerous Stuff

Post modernism posits that there is no truth, nothing reliable, traditional science and traditions in general are just “constructs” promoted to the advantage of the oppressor class.
Post modernist thinkers view the world through a Marxist/Hegelian prism–and it makes them evil sorcerers.
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Dingell Says SCOTUS Screwed Up

Milloy put up the ridiculous John Dingell, claiming offense that the Supreme Court would allow the EPA to control carbon dioxide under The Law he wrote so many years ago–the Clean Air Act.
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Junk Gun Control Research

I have a confession to make, an emergency physician like me, named Art Kellerman, was one of the most junk science perps of the last 15 years on issues of gun control.
I am ashamed of him and his research.
Art hated guns and some of his junk science included making it seem that the victims of gun violence were children–only he included adolescents of gang banger age. You know gang bangers, they shoot with their guns sideways in the movies.
He also made a case for acquaintance gun crimes but failed to warn that he included john v pimp or prostitute, or even customer v cab driver, anything that was acquaintance, even gang banger crimes where the perp knew the name of the victim.
Art did one where he tried to show that guns in the home were more likely to kill the homeowner, failing to point out that suicide is a different thing.
Lastly, junk scientist Art did a study on how home guns increased the rate of gun violence, failing to adjust for socioeconomics and neighborhood consideration, like if I live in a violent neighborhood, if I have a gun it might be for sensible self defense?
Art Kellerman wanted to disarm Americans. He apparently lives in a nice neighborhood in Atlanta.
I think Art Kellerman is a mountebank and slug, a junk scientist extraordinaire and don’t trust me, gun control researchers like Gary Kleck and John Lott have exposed this junk science clown researcher.
So, by golly, here comes another essay discussion the nature of guns and gun defense in America. Also the subject of gun killings and violence. It isn’t really an anti Democrat piece as much as a piece that describes a subset of the crazy Democrat party. I can’t help them, they are barbarians or they support barbarians.
I would recommend that every woman in America learn to handle and use a gun to good effect. It eliminates the advantage us big boys, us males, have in a confrontation. Trust me, you don’t want to be at a disadvantage–that’s not prudent. You have children and a family to consider, not to mention yourself, shoot to kill.
Learn to shoot to kill. For amateurs and less than extreme experts, no head shots, no wing ’em shots, shoot center mass, then again, and again. When faced with lethal threat, return the threat, emphatically. Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Some cities are a damn jungle. Do not underestimate the danger–or you will be a victim.
Don’t pull a gun to threaten, pull it to shoot if the perp doesn’t immediately obey the command to lie down hands behind the head or something similar in effect to eliminate the threat to life. Don’t apologize, this isn’t about manners, it’s about survival.