Epidemiology V–GHO5 T's comment

GHO5T is an energetic and scholarly follower of and commenter on JunkScience.com
I am going to borrow on his comments yesterday to expand a little on p values and statistical tools in epidemiology.
Continue reading Epidemiology V–GHO5 T's comment

Bounce From Calvin Beisner–More on Epidemiology IV

I got the bounce from a guy who is interested in scientific integrity and knowledgable.
Continue reading Bounce From Calvin Beisner–More on Epidemiology IV

Let's talk Commie agitators–Saul Alinsky

I hate to bust your balloon, but Saul Alinsky, mentor to Hillary and Barack, hated the United States of America and all it represented.
Continue reading Let's talk Commie agitators–Saul Alinsky

School on Small Associations Junk Epidemiology II

The EPA is making their whole case with small particle air pollution claims that are based in Epidemiological techniques.
Unfortunately epidemiology is problematic and deceptive as used by the EPA researchers.
Continue reading School on Small Associations Junk Epidemiology II