The Minority Staffers on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee issued a report on the Beal/Brenner/EPA Scandal.
Continue reading EPA Miscreants Beale and Brenner
Category: Scientific method
James Enstrom II
More on the savagery that characterizes UCLA reactions to scientific dissent.
Continue reading James Enstrom II
UCLA misconduct I
Here is the story of Jim Enstrom, whose case has been my case for many years now.
Continue reading UCLA misconduct I
Another Lancet chemophobic crackup
The people at Lancet have gone off their meds again.
Continue reading Another Lancet chemophobic crackup
Anthropology Wars
This review of the book and the work of Napolean Chagnon, who studied the Yanomamo of the deep remote jungle of Venezuela, deserves your attention.
Continue reading Anthropology Wars
American Geophysical Union–anti science?
Of course we always hope for the best–but scientists are now becoming prostitutes and their societies are housed in bordellos frequented by government agents with big bank accounts.
Continue reading American Geophysical Union–anti science?
Let's Look at the Reality on Climate
I get bored a little, pointing out the insanity of the lefty climate nuts.
Continue reading Let's Look at the Reality on Climate
Junk Science on Vet Suicides.
Whenever the left appears to care, watch out for your pocket-book or worse. Now they are working the soldier/vet/suicide/ptsd pity party.
Continue reading Junk Science on Vet Suicides.
The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper
So Milloy the master says–grasshopper, the Common Rule as adopted by the EPA and the Government, doesn’t really prohibit the Human Experiment Program when toxic or lethal exposures are conducted.
Continue reading The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper
Lying for Justice
The concept of Lying for Justice is a product of the Post Modernist Marxist Socialist attitude–if you lie to achieve a good socialist goal, ends justify the means.
Continue reading Lying for Justice
Cribs are toxic–What to do?
This silly little research announcement about ‘potential’ toxicity from crib mattresses is an annuity for the authors.
Continue reading Cribs are toxic–What to do?
Tadchem on Why One Hit radiation biophysics/toxicology is STUPID
I put up an explanation of one hit theory of tox that grew from junk radiation biophysics and tox.
However, one of our commenters understands things better then me by far.
Continue reading Tadchem on Why One Hit radiation biophysics/toxicology is STUPID