Don’t laugh: How to improve public trust in government science?

From the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy: “OSTP seeks information to help improve the effectiveness of Federal scientific integrity policies to enhance public trust in science.” Once I stopped spitting up my coffee, I came up with 10 principles based on my 30+ years of working in the sewer of government science that I submitted to OSTP. Please support!

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Dr. Battig weighs in on the High Holy Church of Warming Fanatics

Charles is an anesthesiologist, which in my business means he is extraordinary in his knowledge of the human organism.
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Modern society doesn't respect scientists, why?

Physician O Mahoney reveiewed a book by Harry Collins on the problem of science declining in respect.
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Thomas Sowell apologizes belatedly to Gary Becker

This is kind inside baseball–Sowell, high-powered economist insulted a Nobel Prize winning economist, Gary Becker when he was a grad student and Becker a teacher.
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Nigel Lawson discusses Wickedness in the Warmer Movement

There is an unmistakable elegance to behold when this Brit intellectual icon takes on the ideology and conduct of the warmer fanatics and their fanaticism.
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Psychs go Psycho? Delusional Illusions on warming?

These people are supposed to be entertaining, but they are sorta dangerous, shouldn’t be allowed to sit near switches or use telephones without supervision.
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