What a bunch of BS

So people decide they can just declare a disaster–skip the evidence on exposures and the clear cut evidence that no one suffered a significant exposure from Fukishima. It was a disaster because we say so. Exuse me–that’s horse s____.
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Another International Climate Expert–Good Gig

Here the proud home town discusses one of their favorite sons, early 40s, a declared climate expert who is a globe hopping celeb.
Do you get the impression mostly he is an apparatchik committed to agit prop for the IPCC warming/climate agenda?
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John Holdren Zombie Physicist

John Holdren has led a charmed life, PhD physicist, pres of the AAAS, scholar/teacher at the Kennedy School of Gov at Harvard, now big shot in the White House as Science Czar.
However Dr. John didn’t take his Greenie True Believer prevention vaccination so he says stupid stuff.
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EPA Junk Science Takes Another Hit–More Secret Science Discussion

Got this on the bounce from Lee Brown, Exec with the Construction Truckers of CA.
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Junk Numbers on Unemployment and the Uninsured

Politics can produce junkscience economics/social sciences numbers that confuse public health policy and prevent proper solutions.
Gotta have a good diagnosis to develop a good treatment.
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