Junk Science on Vet Suicides.

Whenever the left appears to care, watch out for your pocket-book or worse. Now they are working the soldier/vet/suicide/ptsd pity party.
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Cheap talk, Junk Psych about Vets

I would say as a general rule soldiers, sailors, marines, are better people, and I am proud to serve them as they serve their country and their fellow citizens. They are heroes, not victims.
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The Master is still the Master-just ask the Grasshopper

So Milloy the master says–grasshopper, the Common Rule as adopted by the EPA and the Government, doesn’t really prohibit the Human Experiment Program when toxic or lethal exposures are conducted.
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Milloy slams Grasshopper, Common Rule is Inadequate to stop Guinea Pig studies.

In the recent past, I have waxed eloquent on why there is no way that the EPA can expose people to toxic, lethal or carcinogenic air pollution.
Continue reading Milloy slams Grasshopper, Common Rule is Inadequate to stop Guinea Pig studies.