NIce essay from Jim Lakely on the Warming Debate

Jim Lakely is an articulate informant on warming issues.
I will put up here his short essay of response to an inquiry.
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ACSH supports Dr. Enstrom, Board member

I certainly have no objection. Thanks ACSH.
I am a member of the ACSH Policy and Advisory panel, when I disagree with them it’s a point of order not a sign of departure.
Continue reading ACSH supports Dr. Enstrom, Board member

EPA Miscreants Beale and Brenner

The Minority Staffers on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee issued a report on the Beal/Brenner/EPA Scandal.
Continue reading EPA Miscreants Beale and Brenner

American Geophysical Union–anti science?

Of course we always hope for the best–but scientists are now becoming prostitutes and their societies are housed in bordellos frequented by government agents with big bank accounts.
Continue reading American Geophysical Union–anti science?