Paul McHugh on Junk Psychiatry

Paul McHugh is former chair of psychiatry and now University Professor at Johns Hopkins.
Here he talks about Psychiatry and some psych misadventures in junk science.
A little tease from this essay in The American Scholar.
He faults the antipsychiatry psychiatrists, (Tom Szasz and R. D. Laing included) for the
suspicions raised. The psychiatric results of these doubters was to deny needy patients! Patients
became “psychiatrically oppressed.” It became fashionable to ignore the needs of patients and to
focus on psychiatric practice. This was a gross oversimplification. It is not true that
schizophrenics are living their own “life style.” McHugh sees them as “needing care.” Psychiatry
is not a mendacious institution but a loving and caring one. It should promote a sympathetic
understanding of patients. That’s where the emphasis should be: on patients.
He then goes on to examine three major faults of “trendy psychiatry”: the mentally ill homeless,
sex change surgery and, most recently, MPD, the result of childhood sexual abuse.

More on Temp Dredging from Last Year

Sure it was the warmest, but yes they have culled and parsed and sliced the record and reports.
That is why it is so important that Christy and Spencer keep us informed. Can’t fool the satellites.

Scientists Call November 2013 Alleged Hottest Record – ‘A Flop’ – Far From Record Warmest…Series Of Problems With Surface Stations

Karl Popper and Reliable Science

I will admit some criticize Popper for being so dead set in favor of deductive methods and against inductive scientific methods, but his point is deductive science that tests and verifies with reliable evidence is the essential test of reliable and credible science. Falsifiability (testability) is a big and important word in the world of Popper Science. Seems Einstein agreed about experiments and evidence as controlling and dispositive.
Continue reading Karl Popper and Reliable Science

Censorship and Statist Coercion

Fanatics cannot accept coexistence of ideas. Regardless of the subject mattter, social science, hard science, public policy making, political correctness intimidation has changed the language, even censored those who would disagree with the state or elite promoted canon.
Continue reading Censorship and Statist Coercion

Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits

You might ask why is there a dogma that universal health insurance coverage would reduce Emergency Department utilization? All the smart guys say so, all the way up to the President.
Well, in fact the consensus about ED visits and utilization has always been based on junk science analysis.
Continue reading Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits

David Gelernter is a Giant

I can’t say enough good things about David Gelernter to do him justice.
He is a treasure of Western Civ, a computer whiz, philosopher, writer, with a creative and inquisitive mind. He was bombed by the unabomber and recovered to be an inspiration. He is a devout Jew, a great patriot–an island of great achievement and virtue, who is wise and eloquent.
Continue reading David Gelernter is a Giant

Complexity Uncertainty Egomania

Mona Charen is a smart lady commentator who is always on the money by my assessment.
Here she talks about the things that von Mises and Hayek tried to teach us about central planning, and she very insightfully takes down the idiocy of what has properly been called “Scientism” and its latest iteration–warmer CRU/IPCC cargo cult science.
Hayek named the problem the “fatal conceit” and the nomenklatura have it and live it.
Models–now there’s something to take to the bank that is a sign of a toxic level of fatal conceit.

Thomas Sowell on Conflicts of Interest

Thomas Sowell lends a little sense to the question of experts and opinions.
Conflicts of interest are unavoidable in the real world, but that does not mean one can lie for justice–one of the bad habits of ideologues.
That is why exists, to expose lying for justice, among other intellectual forms of dishonesty.