NASA sweats astronaut cancer risk from trip to Mars

The dubious point of a manned trip to Mars and other more serious psychological and physiological challenges of that trip aside, a less-than-5% incremental chance of a fatal cancer as calculated from the junk science-based linear non-threshold model would seem to be the last thing to fret. Continue reading NASA sweats astronaut cancer risk from trip to Mars

Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas

The activists estimate that, ultimately, Marcellus shale gas have 3x more radon than Gulf Coast gas. But this exposure level presents no demonstrable risk of lung cancer — despite the 30,000+ estimated by the activists. The EPA touted lung cancer risk from residential radon was debunked long ago by the University of Pittsburgh’s Bernie Cohen. Continue reading Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas

Anti-nuke activists accuse EPA of weakening radiation disaster protection guidelines

“IMAGINE THAT the Boston bombers didn’t pack nails into pressure cookers but instead packed highly radioactive material. How would the government be responding?” Continue reading Anti-nuke activists accuse EPA of weakening radiation disaster protection guidelines

Good News: 94% of young Chernobyl thyroid cancer victims in total/near-total remission

“The study participants were among the highest-risk young patients exposed to radiation from the accident.” Continue reading Good News: 94% of young Chernobyl thyroid cancer victims in total/near-total remission

New Study Confirms Low Levels of Fallout from Fukushima

“Fallout from the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power facility in Japan was measured in minimal amounts in precipitation in the United States in about 20 percent of 167 sites sampled in a nationwide study released today.” Continue reading New Study Confirms Low Levels of Fallout from Fukushima