Modern society doesn't respect scientists, why?

Physician O Mahoney reveiewed a book by Harry Collins on the problem of science declining in respect.
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Thomas Sowell apologizes belatedly to Gary Becker

This is kind inside baseball–Sowell, high-powered economist insulted a Nobel Prize winning economist, Gary Becker when he was a grad student and Becker a teacher.
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Psychs go Psycho? Delusional Illusions on warming?

These people are supposed to be entertaining, but they are sorta dangerous, shouldn’t be allowed to sit near switches or use telephones without supervision.
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Dalrymple on Obesity–marvelous

Last week I told you about a British Medical Journal article on the benefits of barriatric surgery over behavior mod, the current operations of preference are Roux en Y with gastric reduction (one helluva surgery), sleeves (simpler) and such.
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Junk Science on Vet Suicides.

Whenever the left appears to care, watch out for your pocket-book or worse. Now they are working the soldier/vet/suicide/ptsd pity party.
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Cheap talk, Junk Psych about Vets

I would say as a general rule soldiers, sailors, marines, are better people, and I am proud to serve them as they serve their country and their fellow citizens. They are heroes, not victims.
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