Financing Agenda 21: Tax ‘societal ills’ for ‘sustainable planet’

“Taxing financial transactions or trade in arms, tobacco and fuel might help” green the planet. Continue reading Financing Agenda 21: Tax ‘societal ills’ for ‘sustainable planet’

Tiny delta smelt still provokes water fight in Central Valley

“You are going to see farmers going out of business. It will be a big loss for American agriculture.” Continue reading Tiny delta smelt still provokes water fight in Central Valley

Enviros hijack property rights theme against Keystone XL

My favorite lame-o excuse is that pipeline excavation may destroy ancient artifacts — like pottery chards — which no one can see anyway because they’re buried. Continue reading Enviros hijack property rights theme against Keystone XL

Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’

Agenda 21 is the master mlan for extreme green-designed global governance. Continue reading Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’