Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels

While the United Nations packs some highly questionable notions into its Rio+20 “The Future We Want”, it might be helpful to note the suggested changes that weren’t incorporated into it.

Continue reading Rio+20 sustainability conference: trusts countries after all, but ignores squirrels

Horner: An Assessment of the June 2012 Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Check out Chris Horner’s take on the upcoming Agenda 21 summit. Continue reading Horner: An Assessment of the June 2012 Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Sackett v. EPA: The real rest of the story

“Last Thursday, E&E reporter Lawrence Hurley published this story on PLF’s landmark victory in Sackett v. EPA. The story is titled “Justice was blind to some facts in Idaho wetlands case,” and the impression one gets from reading it is that Mike and Chantell Sackett should not be viewed as sympathetically as common sense would suggest…” Continue reading Sackett v. EPA: The real rest of the story

Obama admin: Oil & gas drilling wiping out sage grouse in Wyoming

“Environmentalists hailed the new study, saying it bolsters their calls for BLM to better manage and plan energy development on federal land near critical grouse habitat.” Continue reading Obama admin: Oil & gas drilling wiping out sage grouse in Wyoming

Shapiro: No room for EPA ‘strong-arming’

“In the Sackett case, all nine justices of the Supreme Court spoke up together and said enough is enough. Strong-arming can be a violation of constitutional rights – even if it is not a technical violation of the law.” Continue reading Shapiro: No room for EPA ‘strong-arming’

EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning

Fresh off her proposal to kill the U.S. coal industry through unrealistic greenhouse gas emissions standards, Lisa Jackson will spend the remainder of the week in Paris planning global government, which apparently cannot be done by Skype. Continue reading EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning