The Inconvenient Truth About Polar Bears

“So when I got up there, I started realizing polar bears were not in as bad a shape as the conventional wisdom had led me to believe, which was actually very heartening, but didn’t fit well with the book I’d been planning to write.” Continue reading The Inconvenient Truth About Polar Bears

Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming

“Wildlife advocates, who sued to force the government to act on the issue, said they hope the animal’s plight will be used by the Obama administration to leverage tighter restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.” Continue reading Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming

Greens welch on conservation deal: Islanders kill 900 dolphins

Earth Island says the slaughter was the work of a “renegade group” trying to sabotage conservation work. Continue reading Greens welch on conservation deal: Islanders kill 900 dolphins